Morocco is a monarchy with a parliament. This is a picture of the King, his wife, and his son. The King's picture is displayed everywhere demonstrating the high regard that the Moroccan people have for him. This very large and attractive portrait is in the lobby of our hotel along with some other historical family portraits.
Kristin Leboe (on the left) is our IREX Teachers for Global Classrooms (TGC) representative who takes great care of us. On the right is Kawthar Slaitane who is the TGC Moroccan coordinator who has planned our scheduled meetings, school, and cultural visits. This was taken at one of our many amazing meals.

This is a picture of a Moroccan salad. There are all kinds of cooked vegetables, olives, with eggplant in the center, As a vegetarian I do quite well when this dish is served. The large platter is placed in the center of the table and everyone helps themselves. Bread is served with every meal. Usually after this dish is another main course usually with meat, chicken, or fish and after that is dessert and sweetened mint tea.
When the management of the hotel restaurant learned that do not eat meat, they kindly began to make me separate dishes at lunch and dinner. This is couscous (a grain that is a staple here in Morocco) with vegetables. The servings are so large that I could barely eat a quarter of it!
Ms Barnes (and Sreypouv)
3/13/2013 11:48:56 pm

I've just shown Srey your blog: now she says she'll follow it! However, please do not post any more pictures of food. It's not fair that we cannot taste those delectable morsels. We are hungry. And jealous. By the way, I'm going to help Srey with her paper while you are on your trip. Enjoy all.

Gerri Lallo
3/17/2013 12:36:40 am

Salivating now! Did I ever tell you I tried making a few Moroccan dishes? Maybe you can bring me some of the spices I need... although I don't know if that will make much difference in my attempt! I am going for St. Patrick's dinner, not quite the same level of delicacy! Moroccans are so warm and welcoming; I am so glad that you are getting to enjoy vegetarian versions of their wonderful food. I heard from Samira too.... thank you for delivering my gifts and I am so happy you got to spend an evening with her. It is such fun to follow your blog!

Erika Rodriguez
3/18/2013 12:02:00 am

that food looks so delicious! that's not cool miss now i want some

Paola Moreno
3/18/2013 12:06:56 am

Nom nom nom, I want some! Does it taste nice like it looks?

jofranny toribio
3/18/2013 12:08:09 am

that food looks tasty...

Penelope Vargas
3/18/2013 12:08:27 am

that food looks delicious !

Elizabeth Pena
3/18/2013 12:19:15 am

Wow! nice place, and delicious food. :D I wish I could be there too. :'(

emely gonzalez
3/24/2013 11:21:53 pm

the food and and how they said up everything looks really good i think they did a really good job

Jeremy Nunez
3/24/2013 11:26:41 pm

The food looks really good and it also looks very healthy

Leonela Falcon
3/24/2013 11:28:29 pm

The food looks delicious! :) did you enjoy it?

Marlenys Mora
4/4/2013 01:54:22 pm

This food looks very delish

emely gonzalez
4/5/2013 03:43:46 am

the food looks really good


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    Marty Sprague is a teacher at Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. She teaches both dance and international studies.

    It is to be noted that: "This website and blog are not official U.S. Department of State media resources. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teacher's for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State."


    September 2013
    March 2013

