This is Mr. Hamdi Srissar, the teacher from Dahkla who was to be my host teacher, before I was reassigned. He and his students will be partnering with JSEC on Peace One Day next September 21, 2013.
Here is Mr. Srissar in his traditional clothing. He wore this beautiful clothing with great pride in his culture.
This is Khadija Rahaoui posing in front of the teachers' training facility. She kindly gave many informative seminars on history, culture, and education for Morocco. She is from the North. Moroccans often refer to which section of their country that they come from North, South, East, and West.
Samira Idel is a friend of Ms. Lallo and me. I was happy to get to see her in Rabat where she is studying to be a supervisor, a lead teacher but with more duties and responsibilities. She will be in charge of teacher evaluations and teacher development. All teachers and education administrators are government employees and must go to work where the government tells them. They can however apply for postings in the part of the country that they wish. Samira hopes to be posted in the south as she is from the city of Tiznet. She worked to make Somerville, Massachusetts and Tiznet sister cities.
Fatimezzahra Massaq is our host teacher in Beni Mellal and she and her family have been above and beyond gracious! She is in the center of the group. Sorry that the picture is so dark. I am sure that I have other pictures of her, but as usual there are issues with technology...
Not on the same level with the friends in the above frames, but still interesting is the tortoise that was in Fatimezzahra's backyard today. Notice the painted shell which was a mystery to her, but she asked a child that lives with her who said that the house painters painted it. This animal only shows up once or twice a year. We were happy to see him? Her?
Darwin salazar
3/18/2013 10:56:34 pm

Nice to see that you're not alone out there

Elizabeth Pena
3/19/2013 12:01:10 am

Wow!!! the traditional clothing is really nice... Ms. Sprague I think that you have met a lot of people in there. That's awesome! :D

Ms. Barnes
3/19/2013 12:14:24 am

I am really enjoying your photographs of the people and places you are encountering daily. I can't wait to see pictures of the students you visit and learn about the structure of their school days.

Carolina Pena
3/19/2013 12:22:10 am

Hahaha... The tortoise reminds me of a tiny tortoise that I had when I was a little. :D

Ms. Sprague you are so lucky that you had the chance to see that beautiful tortoise. I'm jealous! ;)

Gerri Lallo
3/19/2013 07:29:04 am

Marty, your pictures and captions are just great. It really gives a sense of what you are experiencing. So glad you got to meet Hamdi, I am sure he is so disappointed that you are not with him. It is great that Peace One Day will be done in his part of the world in collaboration with our students. Interesting tortoise story!

Erika Rodriguez
3/19/2013 08:39:24 am

Their traditional clothe is exactly how i expected it to look like, im glad you've made friends ~

Leonela Falcon
3/24/2013 11:33:49 pm

The traditional clothing looks really creative! I am glad to see you have friends who you can associate with over there :)

Marlenys Mora
4/4/2013 01:42:49 pm

I am glad you got to meet new people and spend time with friends while you were out in Morroco

emely gonzalez
4/5/2013 03:41:23 am

these kids look like hard works

emely gonzalez
4/5/2013 03:44:57 am

the people look nice


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    Marty Sprague is a teacher at Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. She teaches both dance and international studies.

    It is to be noted that: "This website and blog are not official U.S. Department of State media resources. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teacher's for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State."


    September 2013
    March 2013

